
鎢酸(YS/T 692-2009)

鎢酸(YS/T 692-2009)


貴金屬合金元素分析方法鎢量和錸量的測定鎢酸重量法和硫脲分光光度法(YS/T 372.17-2006)

貴金屬合金元素分析方法鎢量和錸量的測定鎢酸重量法和硫脲分光光度法(YS/T 372.17-2006)

將試料(6.1)置於250 mL燒杯中,加入10 mL硝酸(3.2)、30 mL鹽酸(3.1),蓋上表面皿,低溫加熱溶解。溶解時,按以上比例反復添加硝酸(3.2)和鹽酸(3.1)直至完全溶解(可用玻璃棒搗碎沉澱看其是否溶解完全)。蒸發至約10 mL,取下,冷至室溫,用水沖洗表面皿及燒杯壁,加水至30 mL,用雙層緻密無灰濾紙過濾(第一層濾紙緊貼漏斗壁,第二層濾紙的半徑比第一層小約0.7 cm,加溶液不能超過第二層濾紙高度的五分之四),用硝酸溶液(3.5)洗滌燒杯5次,每次5 mL~6 mL,並用帶橡皮頭玻璃棒擦洗燒杯壁,把沉澱轉入漏斗中,繼續用硝酸溶液(3.5)洗滌沉澱至無氯離子(用硝酸銀溶液檢驗)。

GB/T 6150.1-2008 鎢精礦化學分析方法 三氧化鎢量的測定 鎢酸銨灼燒重量法

GB/T 6150.1-2008 鎢精礦化學分析方法 三氧化鎢量的測定 鎢酸銨灼燒重量法

鎢精礦化學分析方法 三氧化鎢量的測定 鎢酸銨灼燒重量法,標準英文名稱:Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten concentrates—Determination of tungsten trioxide content—The ammonium tungstate igniting gravimetric method。

貴金屬合金化學分析方法 鉑合金中鎢量的測定 三氧化鎢重量法(GB/T 15072.17-2008)

貴金屬合金化學分析方法 鉑合金中鎢量的測定 三氧化鎢重量法(GB/T 15072.17-2008)

《貴金屬合金化學分析方法 鉑合金中鎢量的測定 三氧化鎢重量法(GB/T 15072.17-2008)》主要變動有:名稱變更;按新標準編寫的要求對溶液的配製、濃度的表示等進行了修訂;將原標準範圍PtW8、PtW8.5修改為本標準適用於PtW合金中鎢含量的測定;按照GB/T 20001.4-2001格式要求重新編寫。

Articles on Tungsten Compounds, Including: Tungsten Carbide, Tungsten Hexafluoride, Tungsten Trioxide, Tungsten(iii) Oxide, Tungstic Acid, Sodium Tungstate, Silicotungstic Acid, Phosphotungstic Acid, Tungsten Hexachloride

Articles on Tungsten Compounds, Including: Tungsten Carbide, Tungsten Hexafluoride, Tungsten Trioxide, Tungsten(iii) Oxide, Tungstic Acid, Sodium Tungstate, Silicotungstic Acid, Phosphotungstic Acid, Tungsten Hexachloride

Hephaestus Books represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedia articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, although as Hephaestus Books continues to increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is being added. We believe books such as this represent a new and exciting lexicon in the sharing of human knowledge. This particular book is a collaboration focused on Tungsten compounds.More info: Tungsten, also known as wolfram, is a chemical element with the chemical symbol W and atomic number 74. A steel-gray metal under standard conditions when uncombined, tungsten is found naturally on Earth only combined in chemical compounds. Its important ores include wolframite and scheelite. The free element is remarkable for its robust physical properties, especially the fact that it has the highest melting point of all the non-alloyed metals and the second highest of all the elements after carbon. Also remarkable is its very high density of 19.3 times that of water. This density is slightly more than that of uranium and 71% more than that of lead. Tungsten with minor amounts of impurities is often brittle and hard, making it difficult to work. However, very pure tungsten is more ductile, and can be cut with a hacksaw.

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